Tuesday, March 27, 2001

and you want to be jet-lagged? seems like a good thing not to be.

Tuesday, March 20, 2001

Rich, here is the list of barbershop choruses in the UK.

Wednesday, February 28, 2001

Try timeout.com. There is also a link to the theatre guide in an earlier post of mine. I forget what it is right now.

Thursday, February 08, 2001

This has been good weather today. Except the rain that I had to walk to work in. That wasn't good. Is London more foggy or rainy?

Now the trip to Oxford does sound fun. When could we do that?

Tuesday, February 06, 2001

I wasn't able to find the londontheatre.com website, but I did find The London Theatre Guide online. The thing there is that there is so much available that it is difficult to sort through. Among the other interesting offerings are a production of Rossini's "Barber Of Seville" (which will be starting while we are there) and a play entitled "Santa's War Stars In Space, Episode III - The Scary Nuisance" which, unfortunately, is no longer playing.

Forgive me for sounding like an uncultured slob, but I find Chekhov's plays somewhat tedious :) Of course, I have only read them, so perhaps they would be better on stage. I like Mark's suggestion of "The Importance of Being Earnest" or anything put on by the RSC.

Remember, the URL for this blog is http://jonvw.com/londonreview/. You don't have to log into blogger each time you want to check the blog.

I'm not sure I'll be up to a soccer match on the first saturday. Don't let that keep you guys from going, though. I won't be disappointed if I have to do something else :)

Julie (and others) you can post from your own account on a remote computer. If another person's account comes up, you can just log off with the button in the right column and log on as you.

Monday, February 05, 2001

julia -- this is julie posting via ej's computer because i turned mine off for the day. premiership match, eh? I'M IN!!!! i would prefer the chlsea v. sunderland match, but if mike thinks charlton would be good, i'll defer to you. just get us some tics!

do we have any "group" events on saturday that we need to plan around? just something to consider.
also, by getting tickets from "others", do you mean scalpers when we get there or something over the net?

let me know -- julie

Hum...I was just typing and things disappeared. Oh well...if this is a double post, I apologize! First off, Julia, I am totally up for a soccer match! Save me a ticket!

Also wanted to list some information on the Virgin Trains sale. Check out http://www.virgintrains.co.uk/ for more info and to search trains and times. All fares are 50% for a limited time! Trains are much faster than buses so might, especially at these cheaper rates, be worth it! I personally am thinking of day trips to: Oxford, Bath/Stonehenge, and maybe somewhere else. That is a lot of traveling but wanted to see what people are interested in.

Also, check out timeout.com for a searchable list of theatre, music, and othe events for March!

hey all! I just set up a feature that automatically links to the homepage of the author of each post. if you want to link your homepage to the blog, just add your url to your profile in the "team" section of the blogger administration area.

I checked on the web for barbershop clubs in Great Britain. I don't know which of these towns is closest to where we will be, so i thought I would put this link up so that those in the know might be able to advise.

Sunday, February 04, 2001

BTW, I would be up for going to the football match, Julie. Or at least the hard cider afterward.

Excellent! Glad to see you on, Julie. And Happy Birthday, Michael! Now I need the rest of you all to get on.

Thursday, February 01, 2001

So far only two of us have access to the blog. Julie, Mark, and Sara need to follow the instructions in the invitation e-mail that should have been sent to you. The rest of you need to email me with the email address you used to set up the blogger account.

Monday, January 29, 2001

This is going to be awesome once we get it going. London here we come!

This is a post to the London Review board, and it demonstrates how this thing works.

Sunday, January 28, 2001

Hey, all! This is the first entry in the London Review weblog. If you are in the London Review, and you would like to make entries here, create an account at Blogger and e-mail me with the your account ID. I will set you up.

The design here is not finished. This is just a basic journal which will look a little bit different once we decide how this page is to take shape. See you all tomorrow!